Kung Fu Monster – 武林怪兽
Description: During the Wanli Emperor’s reign in the Ming dynasty, Sun Yehe, supervisor of the Eastern Depot, was ordered to capture monsters that have escaped from the royal palace. At the same time, militia warrior Zhen Jian colludes with his martial arts junior Xiong Jiaojiao and female warrior Leng Bingbing gather a group of forest fighters to rob the silver from corrput officials. However, silver was missing, while wanted criminal criminal Feng Sihai appears along with Jianghu wanderer Wu Bai. As a bigger crisis comes, monsters are looking through it nearby.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2018
Director: Andrew Lau
Cast: Louis Koo, Chen Xuedong, Bao Bei’er, Zhou Dongyu, Bea Hayden
Temporary Family – 失戀急讓
1899 0Parasite (Cantonese) – 上流寄生族 All’s Well End’s Well 2011 – 最強囍事 Description:勤奮半生的地產經紀項少龍(張家輝飾),向女友(胡杏兒飾)求婚,卻因婚房太小而遭拒絕。在苦苦思量賺錢大計之時,一個名為「無雙臺」的夢幻豪宅,業主低價放盤。現年38歲的沙拉(鄭秀文飾),剛剛被丈夫拋棄。現在,她得面對現實……拿著贍養費,獨自找樓房去,就此認識項少龍。因緣際會,項少龍身邊有兩位擁有一點資金的阿黑(Angelababy飾)和黃初(歐豪飾)年輕朋友,他忽發奇想:何不一起購下「無雙臺」炒賣?豈料,成交當日,遇上政府打壓炒賣措施,四人的矛盾越演越烈,一些讓他們意想不到的隱情更接踵而至…… 【發音語言】 : 粵語中字 【主 演】 : 張家輝 鄭秀文 Angelababy 歐豪
The Cursed 2018 – 幼兒怨
1970 0Europe Raiders – 歐洲攻略 The Legend of Zu 2018 Description: Surgeon Jiaer (Liu Xinyou) grew up in an orphanage. He received a lawyer’s letter and knew that there was another 嫲嫲 (Bao Qijing) living in Malaysia. The deceased who left the
Office – 華麗上班族
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