Just An Encore (Mandarin) – 八分鐘的溫暖

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February 1, 2019
Just An Encore (Mandarin) - 八分鐘的溫暖 - Episode 01
Sweet Dreams (Cantonese) - 一千零一夜

Description: 八分钟的温暖
Ordinary high school student Yan Ze is secretly in love with her desk-mate Ji Xiaowho is not only the most handsome boy in school but also a top student. But Yan Ze is neither particularly beautiful nor does she have a particularly good figure, and her grades are only so-so as well. Her best friend and adopted sister Gu Xi Ye, however, is the opposite of her, beautiful and an outstanding student. Yan Ze thus can’t help feeling that she will forever be no more than Xi Ye’s shadow. When Yan Ze discovers that her crush might like Xi Ye, her restrained negative emotions towards Xi Ye only become stronger until she explodes.

Transfer student He Xin Liang sees through Yan Ze and always “miraculously” appears when she’s at her lowest point to cheer her up with his positive personality. Xi Ye, however, is secretly in love with Xin Liang and hates seeing the two become closer and closer. Actually, Xi Ye has always envied Yan Ze for easily getting along with everyone while she has problems blending in because people tend to think she’s arrogant. As it turns out, the two friends both secretly wish to become like the other.

《八分鐘的溫暖》(英語:Just An Encore),2019年中國偶像劇。本劇改編自夏茗悠的同名小說,講述了高中女生顏澤和她的學霸同桌季霄、歡喜冤家賀新涼、女神好朋友顧夕夜幾人在陽明中學裡,發生的許多動人的青春故事。

30 Episodes
30 January 2019

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