Heartfall Arises – 惊天破
Description: Heartfall Arises follows two Chinese chess masters who have been entangled in several serial murder cases in relation to the effect of organ transplants. John Ma (Nicholas Tse) a brave cop, and Calvin Che (Sean Lau) a criminal psychologist brought together are under the great threat and struggle to define all means evolved from the killings. Their final confrontation will uncover the lead behind the scene but will also put numerous innocent people in great danger than it is ever known before.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 108 Minutes
Release Date: 2006
Director: Wu Pinru
Cast: Nicholas Tse, Sean Lau, Tong Liya, Mavis Fan, Vengo Gao
Paris Holiday – 巴黎假期
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Mama’s Affair – 阿媽有咗第二個
2060 077 Heartwarmings (2021) – 感动她77次 Life Must Go On (2022) – 深宵閃避球 Description:As Yu Mei Fung, housewife and former top artiste manager, discovers a new star in Fong Ching, she also draws jealousy from her teenage son Jonathan Lo
Confession of Pain – 傷城
2232 0A Better Tomorrow 1986 – 英雄本色 Goodbye Mammie (1986) – 再見媽咪 Description:兇殺組總督察劉正熙(梁朝偉 飾)布下天衣無縫的殺局,謀殺太太周淑珍的父親─隱形富豪周元勝(岳華 飾),所有證據指向兩個無業遊民。案發後一星期,兩人被發現伏屍西貢村屋,警方及律政署迅速結案。周淑珍(徐靜蕾 飾)卻對這案產生懷疑,找了劉正熙的生死之交,一個終日喝至爛醉的酒鬼私家偵探丘健邦(金城武 飾)調查。儘管酗酒情況嚴重,與女友細鳳(舒淇 飾)的關係撲朔迷離,但對兇案,丘建邦卻是眾人皆醉我獨醒,他一步一步迫向事實真相。劉正熙兵來將擋,將計劃重重變奏,最後逍遙法外。更布局殺害精神崩潰的妻子,計劃盡在他計算之中,可是千算萬算,沒算過自己對周淑珍付出了真感情。 感情上的失誤,令案情急轉直下,丘建邦發現劉正熙兇手身份時,方知真相之中另藏真相之際,劉正熙另一殺局,又再展開。一對生死之交,生死決戰。
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