I Hear You (Mandarin) – 最動聽的事

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January 26, 2019
The Legends (Mandarin) - 招搖
The Legend of Dugu (Cantonese) - 獨孤天下

Description: The Most Enchanting Thing
Bei Er Duo, a girl from an ordinary family, dreams about studying in Japan to be a professional voiceover. However, her mother wants her to marry rich whilst she is young, leading to continuous blind dates which irritates Bei Er Duo. In her desperation to raise funds for studying overseas as well as helping her best friend Tang Li out of a crisis, Bei Er Duo joins a couple reality programme, encountering top violin maker Ye Shu Wei.

Ye Shu Wei He is from a family of artists, and has a low-key mysterious genius character in both the composing and violinmaking industry. He was forced to join the reality programme having lost a bet to his nephew Yu Sheng. In fact, the actual reason for that attracted Ye Shu Wei to participate in the show is not his bet with Yu Sheng. Instead, he seeks to identify the person who correctly answered his audition question. Because the reality show is faced with the crisis of integrity, Bei Erye and Ye Weiwei started a lively and funny cohabitation life, and spontaneously fell into the fate of this wonderful romantic together.

出身普通家庭,熱愛配音的女孩貝耳朵,一直懷抱著去日本留學成為一名專業配音員的夢想,但母親卻希望她在最有資本的年齡嫁給富人,為此不斷安排相親,讓貝耳朵疲於應對。為了湊齊留學的費用,也為了幫閨蜜唐栗救急,貝耳朵無奈之下加入了一檔情侶真人秀的節目,在節目中偶遇了家世顯赫的世界頂級小提琴制琴師葉抒微。葉抒微出身藝術世家,有極高的音樂造詣,無論在作曲界還是小提琴制琴界都是一位低調而神秘的大神級人物,因為跟外甥鬱升打賭失敗,不得不愿賭服輸參與真人秀,替鬱升解除危局。事實上, …

24 Episodes
28 January 2019

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