The Wild Bunch – 十三太保

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January 24, 2019
The Blood Hounds - 大唐名捕
Rise Of The Taiji Master - 武當張三豐

Description: Set in the chaotic waning years of the Tang Dynasty, the drama revolves around a secretive assassin organization under the wings of a ruthless warlord. Political and personal ambitions clash as brotherhood is put to the test and court conspiracies weave dangerous fates for all the players caught in the dangerous game.

In the chaotic aftermath of the Tang Dynasty, China falls into a warlord era with Lee Hak Yung (Paul Chun) and Chu Wan (Lau Siu Ming) contending for the empire. Using the beauty of his daughter Wan Lo (Idy Chan) as bait, Lee attracts to his services thirteen top swordsmen of different martial arts sects, dubbed the “Thirteen Protectors”. As the top swordsman of the organization, Chun Hau (Felix Wong) becomes Lee’s most trusted assassin and wins Wan Lo’s love. Ambitious fellow Protector Kwan Lei (Kent Tong), however, has significantly greater designs in mind, and he’s determined to eliminate Chun Hau whom he sees as a threat to his position.

唐末僖宗年間,中國四分五裂,群雄並起,其中以李克用(秦沛飾)及朱溫(劉兆銘飾)勢力最大,各據一方,互相抗衡。 克用為人工於心計,立心滅朱統一天下。克用利用女兒雲蘿公主(陳玉蓮飾)之美貌駕馭屬下十三名來自各派的武林高手。此十三名高手能征慣戰,江湖中人稱之為十三太保。十三太保中以李存孝(黃日華飾)武功最高,為克用之得力殺手,亦最為雲蘿所愛,但存孝淡薄權勢,他之所以納入克用門下,目的只為殺溫為父報仇。另一方面,十三太保之一的康君利(湯鎮業飾),為人工於心計,為得克用之寵愛,處處設計陷害存孝。

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 1982
Cast: Felix Wong, Idy Chan, Kent Tong, Paul Chun

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