The Vigilantes in Masks – 怪俠一枝梅

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January 15, 2019
The Day Of Days - 初五啟市錄
The Kung Fu Master - 京城教一

Description: LAI CHI KOK (WAN SIU LUN, DERIC) has been labeled as the most corrupt official of his county. He is so crafty and scheming that even his father cannot condone his actions. KOK’s fiancee CHUNG WAN (YEUNG YI, TAVIA) is a manipulative woman and is very good at keeping KOK under her thumb. KOK seems to become tired of this way of life. One day, KOK meets a gorgeous young girl PO LAM (CHIANG NGA MAN) and is soon mesmerized by her charms. He is a little puzzled as he finds it so hard to choose between his fiancee and his new lover. He has got fed up with WAN’s tyranny but his soul mate and personal assistant LOK FU (KWAN LAI KIT, EDDIE) has great admiration for her. Meanwhile, a young gentleman PO KWONG (CHAN KIN FUNG, SAMMUEL) has been courting LAM. KOK has disguised himself as a vigilante to help the needy. His heroic deeds have earned him a lot of praise. On one hand KOK feels a glow of satisfaction at having achieved fame and recognition, but on the other hand he is worried that his secret identity as a vigilante will sooner or later be uncovered. Finally, the truth is brought to light…

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2004
Cast: Deric Wan, Tavia Yeung, Eddie Kwan, Sammul Chan

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