Net Deception – 追魂交易

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January 12, 2019
A Pillow Case of Mystery - 施公奇案
May Fortune Smile On You - 財神駕到

Description: Computer whizzkid YIU SHING TIN (WONG HE) has never been law-abiding. In his opinion, there is nothing wrong with breaking rules as long as there is no evidence of illegality. The powerful drive of his ambition has finally made him a cyber-criminal. He is gifted but in no sense perfect. His major weakness is his inability to handle relationships. He is particularly confused and helpless when confronted with his half sister KONG KIN YEE (WU, MYOLIE). As arranged by Inspector CHONG JIN PANG (KWAN LAI KIT, EDDIE) from the Commercial Crime Bureau, undercover police trainee TONG KA MING (WU LOK YIN) is offered a post in TIN’s computer software company. TIN is aware of their plan, but does not act against it. He actually takes it as a game to challenge his brain – he is going to make MING another expert hacker. YEE is shocked to discover that TIN has committed crime, and is determined to change him. As she finds out MING’s real identity, she begins to doubt whether he deserves her love. Everybody has his/her own values and beliefs. Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish between the good and the bad. So who influences who?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2006
Cast: Wong Hei, Eddie Kwan, Jack Wu, Myolie Wu, Tiffany Lam

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