Guardian Angel (TVB Version) – 守護神之保險調查

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December 26, 2018
Guardian Angel (TVB Version) - 守護神之保險調查 - Episode 01

Description: 退役警員張東(苗僑偉飾)、逍遙男百天鳴(黃宗澤飾)和獨立堅強的富家女杜心茹(劉心悠飾)三人組成保險調查小分隊,每當保險公司懷疑有人騙取保險金,或是無法決定是否賠償之際,他們就會即刻出動,查清案件真相…

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 36 Episodes
Cast: Michael Miu, Bosco Wong, Annie Liu, Kate Tsui, Hui Shiu-hung, Irene Wan, Philip Keung, Alex Lam, Hugo Ng, Maggie Siu, MC Jin, Evergreen Mak, Akina Hong, Angie Cheong, Mimi Kung, Rose Chan, Hedwig Tam, Ai Wai, Johnny Ngan, Deon Cheung, Stephanie Au, Louis Yan, Jermey Xu, Zhai Tian Lin, Hai Lu

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