The Last Empress (English subtitles) – 황후의 품격

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November 20, 2018
SKY Castle (English subtitles) - SKY 캐슬
Children of Nobody (English subtitles) - 붉은달 푸른해

Description: 皇后的品格 / Empress’s Dignity
In an alternate-reality South Korea, where a constitutional monarchical system prevails, Oh Sunny (Jang Na Ra),a musical actress, becomes the empress of the country. Thus begins a dispute for power in the royal palace. Nothing is what it seems, and Oh Sunny is ready to fight until the end to uncover a mysterious homicide within the royal palace, fighting to protect those she loves the most and obtain happiness.
Fantasy, Romance
Jang Na Ra, Choi Jin Hyuk, Shin Sung Rok, Lee Elliya, Shin Eun Kyung, Oh Seung Yoon
Joo Dong Min
48 Episodes
21 November 2018
Production company(s):

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