Let It Be Love – 4 In Love

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December 31, 2018
Inbound Troubles - 老表, 你好嘢!
Armed Reaction IV - 陀槍師姐 IV

Description: What are the fundamentals of two people falling in love? Their social status? Whether people around them think they are compatible? The time when they met each other? Or their sexual desires?
In order to get rid of the incessant rumors, international celebrity Tong Oi Yiu (Charmaine Sheh) used her loyal fan Yu Zhen Dong (Moses Chan) to create a sociable image to the public. As they spent more time with each other, Yiu experienced what love actually is. Though she understands this are just false play for the public, deep down she knew she is unable to leave this average Joe. Other true-to-live relationships in the series also vividly showcased ‘distance’ makes the heart grows fonder; for example sportscaster Poon Jun Him (Kenny Wong) long-time friendship with his friend’s wife Fung Yew Dan (Elvina Kong), tobacco control officer Chung Bing Leung (Wai Ka Hung) rejecting Chow See Ching (Tracy Ip) due to fearing social ridicule as she is 5 inch taller than him, financial investment protégé Lam Lik Hang (King Kong) encounter with nightclub cougar Cheung Hei Yan (Rachel Kan) – both only seeking sexual conquest but end up with true feelings…
What is falling in love actually? An excuse or a flaw? Is love an obligation, or a lifetime punishment?
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 30 January 2012
Cast: Charmaine Sheh, Moses Chan, Elvina Kong, Kenny Wong, Wai Ka Hung, King Kong, Rachel Kan, Lau Dan, Mary Hon, Florence Kwok, Stephen Huynh, Patrick Dunn, Queenie Chu, Cheung Kwok Keung
Genre: Modern Drama

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