Mid-Autumn Night’s Dream – #後生仔失驚無神賀中秋

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September 25, 2018
Mid-Autumn Night's Dream - #後生仔失驚無神賀中秋 - Episode 01
The New Enthusiasm For Hiking - 愛與山同行

Description: 《#後生仔傾吓偈》主持陸浩明、麥明詩、馮盈盈及一眾KOL,趁中秋節團圓之夜聚一聚,繼續發揮吱喳嘈閉本色,跟觀眾歡度佳節。應屆香港小姐、《今期流行》主持等年青人一起猜燈謎、化妝,中秋節大開Party。「Happy Live」跳出Big Big Channel,與大家玩音樂迎中秋。還有神秘前輩與後生仔傾愛情史!

Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong

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