My Father’s Son – 鬥氣一族

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June 10, 2018
War Of The Dragon - 還我本色
The Last Healer In Forbidden City - 末代御醫

Description: Poultry hawker Wai (Ha Yu) and merchant Kit are brothers from different mothers. Wai resents Kit as Kit is their father’s favorite while he is the deserted son. Their aunt tries hard to bridge their gap, but of no avail. Though the two brothers turn their back on each other, their kins get along very well: Wai’s wife, Kiu (Lo Yuen Yan), gets acquainted with Lan (Wong Hoi Yen), who turns out to be Kit’s wife, and they become closefriends. Kit has a mistress who happens to be the business partner of Kit’s wife! What’s more, Wai’s son (Dickson Li) fall for, Yee (Law Ming Chu), the daughter of Kit and his mistress…

此劇內容講述鄧家兩兄弟不和,卻因環境所迫而同住一區,產生了錯綜複雜的故事。 鄧仁傑自小與父母移居美國,待得父親死後,便與妻子張愛倫、情婦鍾嫻、私生女鍾薏先後回港。仁傑同父異母弟鄧仁威,自小在港捱苦,幾經掙扎才成為雞鴨檔老闆,仁傑因此對仁威多方遷就,以彌補父親當年對仁威疏於照顧。 兩人的父親有產業留下,惜被舊業主建成一座複式樓宇,仁傑夫婦、仁威一家被逼同住一屋,發生了不少趣事。鍾嫻與愛倫無意中認識,更一見如故,兩人更聯同仁威妻子李小嬌合資開美容院,仁傑處於妻子愛倫與情婦鍾嫻的三角關係中,終日提心吊膽。 此外,仁傑的私生女鍾薏與嬉皮士lulu過從甚密,仁傑著仁威幼子鄧鈺騫從中破壞,不料造就了鈺騫與鍾薏的戀情發展,仁傑不知如何是好。仁傑與仁威的關係本已不佳,後更因遺產問題對薄公堂,兩兄弟鬧到不歡而散。幸好到頭來仇恨始終敵不過血濃於水的親情,兩兄弟終以和為貴。

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 1988
Cast: Ha Yu, Lau Dan, Angelina Lo, Stephen Chow, Sandra Ng, Dickson Lee, Bonnie Law, Cutie Mui

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