Curse Of The Royal Harem – 萬凰之王

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April 15, 2018
Stealing Seconds - 棟仁的時光
Reality Check - 心路GPS

Description: While Emperor TO KWONG, MAN NING (Chan Kam Hung) is about to crown YUN YUEN (Myolie Wu) as Empress HAU SUN, Empress Dowager CHAT LAI FUN (Gigi Wong) is forcing NIOHURU YEE LAN (Jessica Hester Hsuan) to commit suicide for the late eldest prince. To rescue his sister-in-law, Emperor TO KWONG puts the coronation ceremony on hold and even takes LAN as his concubine, sparking off a series of wrangles and power struggles inside the royal harem. Caught up in all of this, Emperor TO KWONG is utterly exhausted, and becomes even more so when the affair between YUEN and Prince SHUI (Chan Shan Chung) begins to surface. Through years of oppression, LAN has turned from a simple kind-hearted girl into a sophisticated vicious woman. Refusing to be a victim of fate, she follows the evil path and is now crafty enough to play tug-of-war with anyone in power…While Emperor TO KWONG, MAN NING (Chan Kam Hung) is about to crown YUN YUEN (Myolie Wu) as Empress HAU SUN, Empress Dowager CHAT LAI FUN (Gigi Wong) is forcing NIOHURU YEE LAN (Jessica Hester Hsuan) to commit suicide for the late eldest prince. To rescue his sister-in-law, Emperor TO KWONG puts the coronation ceremony on hold and even takes LAN as his concubine, sparking off a series of wrangles and power struggles inside the royal harem. Caught up in all of this, Emperor TO KWONG is utterly exhausted, and becomes even more so when the affair between YUEN and Prince SHUI (Chan Shan Chung) begins to surface. Through years of oppression, LAN has turned from a simple kind-hearted girl into a sophisticated vicious woman. Refusing to be a victim of fate, she follows the evil path and is now crafty enough to play tug-of-war with anyone in power…

滿清十三皇朝,歷時二百六十多年,被選入宮的秀女超過萬人,能當妃嬪的有一百七十三人,當中只有二十八人當上皇后。然而,在後宮鬥爭中脫穎而出,登上權力顛峰成為萬凰之王後,她們又能否越過同樣的軌跡,走出不同的人生呢? 面對生死 委身求全 剛登基的道光帝(陳錦鴻飾)冊立佟佳沅宛(胡杏兒飾)成為皇后的日子,收到被皇太后扎拉芬(黃淑儀飾)要求為丈夫穆親王綿怡殉葬的鈕鈷綠伊蘭(宣萱飾)求救,道光竟然棄下一切,趕往營救,更要立伊蘭為全妃。太后對道光此舉震驚不已,而皇后則感到顏面無存,矢志一定要向全妃報仇。一場後宮戰爭就此揭幕! 為愛相隨 患難情真 皇后使人向全妃發放綿怡在某地出現的消息,令全妃不惜偷偷逃離皇宮,到發生不知名奪命疫症的地區尋找綿怡下落,但皇后萬萬料不到道光竟陪同全妃一起尋找兄長。全妃終找到綿怡的屍首,時道光竟然染上疫症,二人雙雙被困疫區,生命危在旦夕。幸全妃終找得治療疫症的藥物,道光病情好轉,二人亦逃出生天。經此一役,面對生死一線,全妃、道光的感情亦開始滋長,全妃亦終於接受了綿怡已死的事實,重新投入另一段新的感情。 借種復位 皇袍備身 未幾全妃懷孕,皇后心有不甘,千方百計要與道光親近,終亦懷有龍種。皇后為立於不敗之地,暗中施計想把全妃的胎打掉,但都不得逞。當大家以為全妃幾乎一屍兩命純屬意外,全妃卻發現皇后在背後作祟,道光終下旨把皇后打入冷宮。皇后自恃懷有龍種,仍有籌碼在手,只要生下麟兒,相信仍可再得道光寵愛,可惜突然流產。為免輸給全妃,皇后竟然隱瞞此事,還勾引昔日相戀的瑞親王(陳山聰飾)借種,再度令自己有孕。皇后終於打動道光,被放出冷宮。從此皇后也收斂下來,知道日後要繼續跟全妃爭鬥,必需收起從前的張牙舞爪,不再將自己的喜惡寫在臉上。 一念之仁 養母為患 全妃發現道光親母當年被太后逼死,為免真相被揭導致宮廷大亂,全妃答應太后保守秘密。可是此事被皇后得悉,為了打擊二人,故意讓道光知道二人在隱瞞真相。正當皇后以為道光會嚴懲二人,道光竟然念在太后多年養育之恩,只是將她軟禁,而道光也沒怪罪全妃,令皇后的如意算盤再一次打不響。 太后看著兩位王子日漸長大,更覺皇位不能落入他倆之手,適逢瑞親王在邊疆打勝仗凱旋而歸,正好重整旗鼓,利用聲名鵲起的瑞親王來奪位。 公私失意 信心動搖 時道光雄心勃勃,嚴厲禁煙,皇后暗中派人對付禁煙官員,令全妃懷疑父親頤齡(江漢飾)之死並非意外,最後更查到是與皇后及皇后父舒明阿(劉家輝飾)有關。全妃欲向道光報告時,皇后卻先發制人,指全妃跟別人有曖昧,全妃不甘被屈,終揭發舒明阿一直私運鴉片。道光將舒明阿貶職,更決定廢后,皇后再度被打入冷宮,但道光對全妃仍然心有嫌隙,公私失意,跌落谷底。 太后趁機在道光的膳食做手腳,使道光在不知不覺的情況下染上鴉片毒癮。瑞親王看見皇后在冷宮痛苦過活,心有不忍,太后乘機挑撥瑞親王跟道光關係,令瑞親王在公在私對道光諸多不滿。 深宮惡鬥 命運循環 太后眼見道光染上毒癮後自甘墮落,知道時機將至,密謀部署廢道光,捧瑞親王為皇。全妃見太后、瑞親王勢力步步進逼,亦查出父親之死的幕後主謀正是欲謀朝篡位的太后,遂主動找皇后合作幫道光戒毒,制止太后陰謀。 時皇后對後宮內的鬥爭早已生厭,這些年來鬥生鬥死換來的竟是一場空,始醒覺最重要、最愛的原來一直在身邊,遂萌生退意,欲跟兒子離開鬥爭之地。全妃深明皇后想法,豈料太后不欲就此放過二人,竟然令全妃放給皇后的路由生路變成死路,更出毒手殺害皇后兒子,嫁禍予全妃。全妃被栽贓冤枉,百辭莫辯,道光痛心下把全妃打入天牢。 全妃身處冷宮,得知道光已被軟禁,替道光憂心。太后深覺時機成熟,逼令道光寫下退位之書,並替瑞親王擇日登基……。

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 29 Episodes
Release Date: 2011
Cast: Jessica Hsuan, Myolie Wu, Sunny Chan, Nancy Wu, Elena Kong, Gigi Wong, Joel Chan, Macy Chan, Charmaine Li, Jessie Shum, Sire Ma, Ben Wong

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