Cupid Stupid – 戀愛星求人

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February 14, 2018
Bottled Passion - 我的如意狼君
The Four - 少年四大名捕

Description: How would one’s horoscope be interpreted and affect one’s love life? A simple note that reads “Getting to meet the most important person in your life” is strong enough to draw fishmonger CHI YAT PO (StevenMa), toy shop assistant KAN NGO LAM (Tavia Yeung)and toy designer KOON SING HO (Michael Tse) into a torrid love triangle. When making their way out of the maze, the three of them begin to hesitate. Can one’s love life really be predicted?

Unlike his childhood friend LAM, PO does not believe in horoscopes. But this does not affect their friendship at all and they are even closer than ever. PO is held up to ridicule while trying to save LAM from her lovelorn woe. Believing that PO is her Mr. Right, LAM seeks every opportunity to express her love for him. Sadly PO has realized this too late, and LAM is already going out with HO, with whom she is very compatible in terms of star signs, personalities and interests. HO’s ex-girlfriend FONG CHEUK KEI (Mandy Cho) cannot bear to part from the man, forcing LAM to give up on the relationship reluctantly. During this most difficult time, PO has once again stood by LAM with tender loving care. As time goes by, the pair has graduallydeveloped a genuine affection for each other. All of a sudden, HO turns up and asks to get back with LAM. To LAM, HO is a dream while PO helps keep her feet on the ground. Who is she going to stay with in theend?



Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2010
Cast: Steven Ma, Tavia Yeung, Mandy Cho, Kingdom Yuen, Ruco Chan, Susan Tse, Lee Kwok Lun
Genre: TV Series

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