My Mr. Mermaid (Cantonese) – 浪花一朵朵

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July 12, 2020
My Mr. Mermaid (Cantonese) - 浪花一朵朵 - Episode 01
Empresses in the Palace (Cantonese) - 甄嬛傳

Description: A young swimmer tries to stage a comeback three years after a scandal.
Tang Yi Bai is a former champion swimmer who was wrongfully accused of doping that derailed his competitive career three years ago. He returns after a three-year hiatus to compete for the South Physical Education College alongside his best friend, Qi Rui Feng, against their biggest rival, Heng Ou Yang, of North Physical Education College.
At the competition, YiBai meets rookie sports reporter Yun Duo, who is assigned to cover the competition but has a fear of water due to a near-drowning incident in her past. Yun Duo also happens to rent a room in Yi Bai’s family home, and the two become good friends.
Can Yun Duo encourages Yi Bai to prove his innocence in his past scandal and regain his swimming glory?


Language: Cantonese
Country: China
Cast:  Tan Song Yun, Xiong Dylan, Huang Sheng Chi, Wang Zi Xuan

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