Two Cops (English subtitles) – 투깝스

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November 26, 2017
Two Cops (English subtitles) - 투깝스 - Episode 01
Doubtful Victory (English subtitles) - 의문의 일승

Description: This is a fantasy romance drama about a straitlaced cop possessed by a lazy scam artist.

Cha Dong Tak (Jo Jung Suk)is a single-minded, dedicated violent crimes detective who finds himself cohabiting his own body with the soul of a sleazy con artist named Gong Soo Chang; and falls in love with a fiesty rookie reporter, Song Ji Ahn (Hyeri).

Language: Korea
Country: Korea
Times: 32 Episodes
Release: 27 November 2017
Director: Oh Hyun Jong
Cast:  Jo Jung Suk, Hyeri, Kim Sun Ho, Jung Hae Kyun, Lee Dae Yeon
Genre:  Romance

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