One Night Only – 天亮之前

Like This Video 1387
April 27, 2017
Sky on Fire 2016 - 冲天火
Yesterday Once More - 龍鳳鬥

Description: Having lost all his fortune and loved ones from gambling, Gao Ye walks out from prison to an even more cruel world. Intrigued by a beautiful hooker who approaches him for unknown reason, he comes up a master plan to redeem everything he once had. But things immediately spin wildly out of control as they found themselves fallen into a bigger scheme set up by the underground. Will they survive this one night to see another sunrise?

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hongkong
Times: 100 Minutes
Release Date: 2016
Director: Matt Wu
Cast: Aaron, Kwok Yang, Zishan, Jack Kao, Andy On, Hao Lei

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