Yesterday Once More – 龍鳳鬥

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April 16, 2017
One Night Only - 天亮之前
Cook Up a Storm - 决战食神

Description: Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng star as Mr. and Mrs. Thief, a husband and wife team of super-thieves. After a successful diamond robbery, the two get into an argument about how the loot should be split up and the husband leaves.

Two years later, Mrs Thief is on the verge of remarrying although her affections lie more with the expensive necklace belonging to her fiance’s mother-in-law than with the husband to be. When a plot to steal the necklace ends up falling into the hands of Mr. Thief, the couple are forced together again.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hongkong
Times: 98 Minutes
Release Date: 2004
Director: Johnnie To
Cast: Andy Lau, Sammi Cheng

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