The Last Steep Ascent – 天梯

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January 26, 2017
Healing Hands - 妙手仁心
In The Eye of The Beholder - 秋香怒點唐伯虎

Description: The drama is a fictionalized account of a true love story between an older woman and a younger man in 1950s China. Starring Maggie Cheung Ho-yee as Koo Sun-yuet and Moses Chan as Miu Tin. Yuet, the wife of a wealthy businessman, falls in love with Tin, a man ten years her junior. The two elope to the countryside and lives modestly for the remainder of their lives. Before Tin dies, he handcarves a long stair path on the mountain so Yuet can travel down with ease. Moses Chan plays Miu Tin, catches a glimpse of Koo Sun-yuet (Maggie Cheung) on her wedding day and falls in love. Sun-yuet marries Ho Sei Cheng (Cheung Kwok Keung 張國強), the rich owner of an herbal shop. It was not before long that Sun-yuet discovers that Sei Cheng’s having an affair with his helper, Oi Tai (Aimee Chan). Shortly after, Sei Cheng passes away and Sun Yuet decides to look after Oi Tai when she discovers that Oi Tai is pregnant with her husband’s child. All this time, Miu Tin is working in the herbal shop secretly staying beside her. When Sei Cheng’s family battles with Sun-yuet on the rights to the herbal shop. It is during this volatile time, that he confesses his love. And convinces Sun-yuet to elope with him. Miu then uses the next 50 years to handcarve a staircase for his beloved wife so she could get down the mountain more easily.

Drama 2012 Genre(s): Romance, Period, Drama
Episode(s): 25 Status: Ep25 Country: Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese Subtitle: English
Cast: Moses Chan, Maggie Cheung, Kenny Wong, Aimee Chan

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