Eating Well With Madam Wong – 吾淑吾食 – Episode 29

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July 7, 2014
Eating Well With Madam Wong – 吾淑吾食 – Episode 30
Eating Well With Madam Wong – 吾淑吾食 – Episode 28
Eating Well With Madam Wong – 吾淑吾食 

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Eating Well With Madam Wong – 吾淑吾食

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Eating Well With Madam Wong – 吾淑吾食 – Episode 17 Hong Kong Asian Pop Music Festival – 2014香港亞洲流行音樂節 首播日期: 2013.11.03 所謂「民以食為天」,飲食實為健康之本,然而身在美食天堂香港,追求飲食健康之餘,豈能忽略美味?要吃出好滋味,又要吃得健康,實在是一門大學問,值得研究。可是,都市人天天衝鋒陷陣,為口奔馳,往往食無定時、暴飲暴食,久而久之必定有損健康。愛好鑽研烹飪又注重健康的黃淑儀(Gigi姐)延續《吾湯吾水》的精神再次「出馬」,為都市人的健康把把脈,針對不同年齡層的人士的種種健康問題,出謀獻策,各安所需設計餐單,,送上更多健康飲食心得。 Gigi姐特意請來「住家廚神」的黎志安(Ricky)助陣《吾淑吾食》,一連十集廣邀摯愛親朋、圈中好友,包括黃翠如、陳煒、曹永廉、盧大偉、周聰、白茵、徐淑敏等,從彼此相識、結緣談到演藝歷程、飲食經,更會交流健康飲食心得。Gigi姐每集按不同主題,如壓力、美容、老人問題等,為嘉賓們度身訂造包括湯水、前菜、主菜及甜品等窩心滋補菜式。 要食得健康,必先深入了解食材的營養、對人體的益處,為此Gigi姐誠邀營養師及中醫師詳細解說,讓嘉賓與觀眾一起了解「醫食同源」的道理,守護家人健康! Eating Well With Madam Wong – 吾淑吾食 – Episode 36 Eating Well With Madam Wong – 吾淑吾食

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