Love Me Or Leave Me (Cantonese) – 我,租了一個情人

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January 7, 2017
Love Me Or Leave Me (Cantonese) - 我,租了一個情人 - Episode 01
Aoi Honoo (Cantonese) - 青之炎


Description: Ji Qing (Ann Hsu) has commitment issues because of her parents failed marriage and her father’s infidelity. Even though she is in a stable and loving relationship with her longtime boyfriend Fang Hao Ming (Chris Wang), she hesitates when he talks about marriage. To test if Hao Ming will remain faithful to her, she hires Zhao Shan Shan (Albee Huang), to test if he will cheat on her. But Ji Qing plan seems to have backfired when Shan Shan seems to have fallen for Hao Ming for real.


Language: Cantonese
Country: TaiWan
Director: Lin Qing Zhen
Cast: Ann Hsu , Chris Wang

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