.2015 k Drama

The Inheritors (Cantonese) – 繼承者們

1345 0

Description: 車恩尚(朴信惠飾)家境貧窮,父親早年病逝,姐姐出走到美國,只剩下她和啞巴母親相依為命,終日為了生計而疲於奔命。相反,金歎(李敏鎬飾)出身顯赫,是韓國首屈一指的「帝國集團」繼承者,他15歲時被送到美國留學,過著吃喝玩樂的日子。 恩尚往美國找姐姐,卻發現姐姐原來沒有上大學及結婚,於是二人發生爭執,剛巧給金歎看見,加上恩尚遇上麻煩護照被扣查,同情恩尚的金歎不禁伸出援手,二人相處下,金歎漸漸對堅韌的恩尚產生好感。恩尚回韓國後,因經濟問題與母親在金歎的家中寄住。金歎的父親暗中調查得知金歎與恩尚來往,於是故意安排恩尚入讀集合了上流社會繼承者的「帝國高中」,好讓恩尚知難而退。 金歎的死對頭崔永道(金宇杉飾)洞悉恩尚是金歎的弱點後,刻意欺負恩尚來激怒金歎,卻在過程中不知不覺地喜歡上恩尚。究竟恩尚如何在繼承者們的世界中生存?她的出現又會為金歎和永道勢如水火的關係,帶來甚麼衝擊? The series follows a group of rich, privileged, and elite high school students as they are groomed to take over their families’ business empires. These wealthy students seem to have everything under control, except their love lives.

Stairway to Heaven (Cantonese) – 天國的階梯

1868 0

Description: Han Jung-suh (Park Shin-hye) and Cha Song-joo (Baek Sung-hyun) are childhood friends and have a special bond that blossoms into love. They both share the pain of losing a loved one: Song-joo’s father died in a traffic accident and Jung-suh’s